Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hello...Is This Thing On??

Please forgive me for the looooonnnggg absence.  Consider it a mix of me needing a break and just being lazy.  Oh and on vacation.

I was fortunate to be able to join B on his work trip, meeting up in Germany then heading to Prague.  It was awesome.  I am also extremely lucky to have a mom who is willing and able to come and watch the kiddos while I go off, gallivanting around the globe (thanks Mommy!).

Germany was fun, the people are nice and the food is delicious.  As was the beer....

Look at me, enjoying this authentic German beer.

Prague was gorgeous and full of friendly people and old world charm.  And I was full of wine and foie gras.

Needless to say, I have been on vacation with my eating habits and my waistline has paid dearly for it.  I look forward to getting back to some healthier and cleaner eating (and being able to fit into my pants again!).


  1. Well, you sure look great in pictures :) But yeah, as much as I love vacation or holiday eating/drinking, it does feel good to get back to "normal" after a while. Welcome back!

    1. Ha! My normal has been things like pizza rolls and sugar cookies. I think I need a new normal. ;)

  2. I'm adding a trip to Europe together to my bucket list. That beer looks like it needs me holding an identical one next to it.

    1. Ooooh. Now that would be fun. And you are so right, I needed you to enjoy these beers with me!


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