Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Love Is: Sweet and Spicy Bacon

In honor of Valentine's Day and all things love and romance, I thought I would share this recipe for the best bacon you will ever eat.  Seriously.  The.Best.Ever.

If you are in need of a last minute gift to really impress that special someone, skip the flowers and candy and go with what they really want.....bacon.  Salty, spicy, sweet, crisp, chewy, delicious bacon.

You can't go wrong here, I promise.  Unless your special someone is Muslim.  In that case, bacon would be very wrong.

Sweet and Spicy Bacon

1 pack thick-cut bacon (1lb)
3 TB brown sugar
1/3 tsp cayenne pepper
1/3 tsp black pepper

1.  Heat oven to 375.  Lay bacon slices out evenly over a broiler pan or wire rack set over a rimmed baking sheet (has to be this way so the fat drains off and the sugar caramelizes and crisps up.  Don't just lay it on a flat sheet).  Mix sugar, cayenne, and pepper together,  set aside.

2.  Cook bacon for ~20 minutes.  Remove from oven and sprinkle 1/3 sugar mixture over each slice.  Turn each slice of bacon over and sprinkle evenly with remaing sugar mix, spreading with the back of a spoon if needed.  Return to oven and cook until bacon is crisp and done, about 20-25 min more.  Serve warm or at room temp.

Starting off and half-way done.

If you want to be really crafty, cut each raw bacon slice in half, then fold the halves onto each other to form a heart shape before baking.


  1. I've made this a few times myself, and I agree that it's some pretty tasty bacon!

  2. I've had this, thanks to Anne, and it is everything a girl could want for Valentine's Day!

  3. This is just one of the reasons I adore Anne....her mutual love of bacon.

    Several years ago I witnesses a pretty big tragedy and my BFF sent me a 6lb gourmet sampler pack of different bacons to cheer me up. Bacon really is the answer to all life's problems.

  4. This bacon is, in fact, one of the reasons I love you. Maybe that's all love really is. That and the smiley face bouncy ball valentines that H insists that we MUST mail to J&L. He knows they'll just LOVE them.


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